My Ta’s Keeper

  • Enchanted by how much Tegumailagi adores his Ta( Dad in Fijian), It is indeed one of a kind sight to see. Some of us tend to get bored if everyday is repeated over and over again, not this lovely duo. Well I will have you know that it’s never boring in Tegu’s House. Like clock work our morning starts at 0530hrs. Tegumailagi wakes up then heads straight for a shower, yes without any hesitation and even on a weekend. When in the shower he will call out “Ta” this is an indication that Ta can open the bathroom doors and help him out of the shower, dare I interfere with this regime I will be ushered back to the bathroom door by Tegu, might I add that it’s the same shower gel all the time, Jesus knows we dread to think the day the shower gel manufacturer changes the shower Gel packaging. Brushing our pearly white teeth which any parent of a Spectrum child would agree with me. It’s an arduous task, anyone walking past our house would think that we are strangling Tegumailagi with his loud screams. Tooth brushing is an uncomfortable sensation that he screams in pain. We have resorted to the double headed toothbrush or the fingerfitted brush for a good back tooth brush. Every layer of background noise is heard by Tegu, so there is no point in Ta trying to escape to go anywhere without him as he hears all this. We are thankful to Beethoven for soothing classicals that relaxes him. In all morning routine there is no words out of Tegu but he knows exactly where to wait ( at the bottom of the stairs) for his favorite breakfast of honey on toast. In light golden brown the toast is equally cut out edges and in even numbers ( because we have a fascination for numbers and equal sides) it is eaten with a thankful smile. This morning commotion his Ta is the center of his regime. I am so thankful for such a wonderful Husband and loving Ta to Tegumailagi. When challenged by day to day situation be thankful even the simplest smile of thankfulness means progress. X

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