Heaven’s Dew

A little fact into how i came about the name Tegumailagi. May 2013 my most unfavourable year I was based in Northern Ireland when I received a call relaying the news of the death of my beloved maternal grandmother Bu Litia ( Mrs Sovanivalu Senior) this was also the lady that contributed so much to my upbringing. She was my everything. This trip was like no other I knew she was not going to greet me with the most tastiest bowl of “rourou” in Suva. (this is what I always kindly ask my Bu to cook for me when I got home) Got on to the next available flight to Fiji for the funeral. It had dawn on me this was it, I will never see my Bu again. It’s amazing how every little detailed experience I share with my Bu I was able to recall that very moment. This was a different kind of pain. Little did I know this was just a tip of the iceberg, what was already written in the history book was unmeasurable. Had a good catch up with family and we continued with the traditional after funeral formalities. Spent a good few weeks at home on the Sunday of the final week I was to make my way back to the airport to fly out. This was cancelled as we took my Daddy for a checkup which resulted in admission at the hospital. Days later Daddy was also called to rest. As I Sat outside our home I question myself why is this happening to me, I could actually hear my self saying ” oh please I can’t cope ” I could not take another loss. Life was unfair it took the two most important people who were dear to my heart. It is true that you find yourself at the lowest point of your life. Came back to Northern Ireland after Daddy’s funeral. Every morning i would be met by the most beautiful scenery which was covered by droplets of morning dew. It would be quite beautiful, yet innocently peaceful. An avid Sunday school goer, I hoped like I’ve never hope before and prayed like I’ve never prayed before for the pain I had lingering to disappear. There I was like the morning dew, transparent and waiting for that warmth of reassurance from our creator to form droplets of hope to refresh my mindset. Months later that came in the form of Tegumailagi (Fijian for Heaven’s Dew). Tegu was definitely hope and reassurance personified.

2 thoughts on “Heaven’s Dew

  1. My Prince will always be there for him no matter what it is for ill be by his side ❤🙏🏽 I am proud to say Tegumailagi is my Godson and It makes me cry to see the beautiful gentle caring little boy that he is. Also I must say how happy I am that he has amazing taste in rugby Teams that Jersey he is wearing in his pic is pure dank😘😘🐯🐯 who would of thought at such young age Prince would be a Leicester Tigers supporter😍🥰🥰🥰 like I said ill never let him down and support him in anything he does or wants to do in life 🥰😍🙏🏽


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