Confidence Booster

Every week we would set milestone for my Tegu to achieve, we particularly focus on his social skills. This you may assume for a little boy like Tegumailagi it should come to him without effort, unfortunately it does not. It will be Easter Egg hunt in a day, I walked up to the Welfare Dept to confirm his place in the Egg hunt, kindly enough they did have space to add Tegu. That instantly warmed my heart, knowing he was going to have some interaction with other children. I mentioned his dietary requirement (limited to toast evenly covered in butter and honey with cut out crusts or mccoy cheese and onion crisps). I reassured Lou and Patch at the Welfare Dept to not worry, I will bring Tegu’s food to save the inconvenience of having to do one specific snack for just one person. We arrived greeted by the lovely Camilla who introduced herself to us and I briefly mentioned that Tegu loved the outdoors and will be outside as he was not aware of the new surroundings. A while later we had a plate of toast and crisps (Mccoy Cheese and Onion to be exact) brought out to us, with these I was thankful as these were Tegu’s favourite. We finally gained the courage to go indoors . We met William who was very receptive of Tegu, there was a definite coolness about William (the calmest dog ever) that drew Tegumailagi’s attention undisturbed. The three very thoughtful little girls (Marli,Maddi,Channelle) that helped my Tegu around the compound looking for Easter Eggs. With all these happening around me it has brought me close to tears, this was it “The pinnacle of Autism Awareness”, consideration, kindness, thoughtfulness and love they all were a definite reminder that ” it’s ok to be different”. To my Tegu being included was acceptance that voided all his self-doubt. We ended the Egg hunt with a bag filled with goodies, and an infectious smile that I could not assimilate. More importantly we left beaming with limitless confidence. Thank you to the very considerate Welfare team and Camilla for the well thoughtout Easter Egg Hunt😘😘

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