Faith In Prayer

We were told only time will tell if Tegumailagi manages to speak. I got back from Canada after couple of months. Gave my awesome twosome the biggest cuddle i could ever share with them. This was reality , I had a read of the formal diagnosis letter from the Paediatrician over and over again, I just needed to see if there was a typing error ( not that there was) or may be it was sent to the wrong address. This is once again my mummy head on trying to protect my Tegu. I would wait for Tegu and his Ta to sleep just so that I could deal with this emotional roller coaster & research on intervention ideas of speech progress, there was so much on the web and in the library to know, but none of it mentioned about time line for speech. Patience is definitely a virtue, now I’m reminded about this beautiful words in the book of Romans, Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction and be faithful in prayer. Everyday Seci and I would wait and listen to hear if Tegu was to say anything. On our morning routine his Ta would speak to him even though there was no answer he would continue to speak to Tegu. On the way to school we would say ” Good Morning Tegumailagi, you’re a clever boy aren’t you , Ta and Nau loves you ” there was always a smile in return from Tegu with no verbal interaction, One thing was clear he understood us and that kept us going. I would hide my tears as it was both tears of love and sadness, it all flooded with a lot of unanswered questions , will Tegu be able to say “I’m ok Nau or I love you Nau… was this possible? , or would this be just a dream?How much more heart ache is a person suppose to go through? Everyday these we’re my questions that I yearned to be answered. We can’t give up. I wanted reassurance there and then, just that dose of optimism that all will be alright. As all the conversation was in “hand gestures”, if Tegu wanted water, he would point at the tap for water, if he needed to go out side he would put on his boots, he would also know when it was time for evening devotion. ( he would walk up to the Tv and switch it off even if his Ta was watching the rugby). Tegu is now saying one to five words everyday. Like many things we tend to think of the what ifs and the i should have, be rest assured that , memories will be made,(either good or bad) what will be will be, keep praying for prayers are answered in God’s timings and not yours. It would not matter how big your trial is, it will be conquered. Your hardships are your blessing in disguise. Don’t ever think that it’s IMPOSSIBLE” it spells out Im Possible. X

14 thoughts on “Faith In Prayer

  1. Isaaa Lini, me sobuti kemudou tikoga na loloma levu mai lagi. With God; nothing is impossible Lini. Kiss kiss vei baby Tegu.


  2. Awww Linny this is beautiful…..i understand where you’re coming from as I work at a sch with a couple of children who are autistic and also a family friend of ours, their son is the same. Keep praying God is great and good he works miracles and wonders 🙏👍#BigLove to the family esp. Tegu xx


  3. I would recommend if you and your family pay a visit to Scoan Nigeria to see Pastor TB Joshua for your son’s healing.If possible your son will speak again.Nothing is impossible with God.


  4. This is so sad but I have dealt with children that are of Autism Spectrum either Asperger’s Autism dislexic ,discalculia or so on ……I do love working with them and it’s hard for parents to deal or accept the circumstance ….but you are blessed ….I find children like this are so special and blessed in their unique ways. …..and to you my dear sister …It’s all in God’s timings that Tegu would be able to say more words …


  5. Habakkuk 2:3 “For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false.
    Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay”. With you in prayers Tegumailagi & family, nothing is impossible with our God, He works wonders and miracles. Stay blessed Tegumailagi xoxo

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  6. Awww my sister we all face hardships in life under different circumstances and your story really has boosted my morale and reminds me of our upbringing and education from home making us who we are today…all in Gods time…big hug to Tegu and to you also


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