Making an Effort

Going anywhere for the day can be arduous planning. Before Christmas lunch happened I was already mentioning to Tegumailagi that we will be spending Christmas lunch with family 10 mins away from our home address. I did mentioned that we will be there for the duration of the day and won’t be back till late and also added that there will be all sorts of food and presents and his cousins will also be there to play with him. He did not say anything back to me when I mentioned all these things to him he just gave me a smile to me that meant he was content. I was excited that this would be a good opportunity for us to wear our Kalavata (matching mother and son outfits) . His Ta went and helped out with the lovo , while we got ourselves ready. While getting ready I was explaining the significance of Christmas to Tegumailagi (do you know what we are celebrating today luvequ? He looked up and smiled) as if to agree that he is aware of Christmas Celebration. As per usual I kept reassuring him that it’s ok to go and have lunch somewhere else apart from in our own home we will come back home when we are done. Got him to put on his kalavata shirt and he politely decline to put it on ( No Thank you Nau ) was the answer I got. I respectfully obliged and wore our Kalavata myself. Tegumailagi’s outfit of choice was remarkable ( Pink long Sleeve shirt and khaki chinos) I really was impressed with his choice. Bags packed, in the bag were items like chargers in case we run out of battery life for our gadgets, jigsaw puzzels, and our favourite red blanket, welly boots because Tegu insisted “its Raining Nau”, so into the bag went the wellies , a white bowl for his crisps and his juice glass. These were just some of the things we took, but Nau’s bag of goodies seemed like it was packed for a weekend away. And if we could, we would fit the kitchen sink into the bag aswell. We got to the Hall and it took us almost 30 mins to persuade Tegumailagi into the hall this was after we mentioned “Tegu you can do your jigsaw in that room” (this was a fairly big storage room) this made Tegu smiled and he gladly walked into the storage room with his red blanket and myself behind him with our bag of goodies. It was now lunch time and even though his Ta and I know what he usually eats for lunch (Waffels,Toast,Crisps) we always make sure to ask him if he wants something else for a change just to keep him included in everything we do. Even if there is no answer from Tegu the fact that he has been considered makes him smile. He kindly requested for (crisps in a bowl Nau please). He munched smiling as if that was the first time he had eaten those McCoy’s Cheese and Onion flavoured crisps. We lasted till it was Hall closing time by this time Tegu was ready for Bed and so was Nau. I came back home and reflected upon the day, like many things that happened while getting Tegumailagi ready he could have chosen not to go but he made a choice. He picked his own outfit and made an effort to get to the Hall. Like many things in life we make choices, decisions that does not make sense to others, but to you as a person it does. Allow yourself to make mistakes how else are you to learn. Keep walking your walk, it will be someone else’s preferential choice to make an effort and walk with you. Life is certainly not a dress rehearsal so keep being you and make an effort to get there. Thank you Tegumailagi for reminding Nau to include and always make an effort to get there 😘😘.

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